Wednesday, September 18, 2019

3 Major Myth Busters Regarding Business Credit

A lot of people don’t understand the consumer credit system, and many more don’t understand the business credit system. Today I’m going to cover a couple of common
business credit “myths”, and explain the truth that can be learned from them.

Myth #1: Business Credit is Just Like Personal Credit
This sounds like it ought to be true, but it just isn’t. Sure, the credit systems are similar. However, there are some very major differences that can seriously affect your business. For starters, the consumer credit system has, both in court and in congressional testimony, been demonstrated to be fairly anti-consumer. The system works against consumers in many cases, is prone to errors, and tends to resist the correction of any errors by consumers or their advocates. (In one example, even after a credit bureau was sued and lost in court, they continued to refuse for months to remove the incorrect information from the person’s credit reports.) The business credit system is quite different. It is not anti-business (or anti-consumer), it is less prone to errors, and when there are legitimate errors, they are generally easier to get corrected.

Myth #2: It Doesn’t Hurt To Use Personal Credit In Place of Business Credit
This is a problematic way of thinking that can lead to big problems down the road. Using personal credit for business purposes puts your personal credit at risk for the sake of your business. By using personal credit for business, you limit the resources available to you personally and to your business, and the end result could be disastrous. Imagine when your business credit needs exceed your personal credit capacity--and when YOU need to use your personal credit and can’t because it’s
been tied up by your business. No matter how you spin it, in the end using your personal credit for business is a bad idea.

Myth #3: Business Credit and Personal Credit Are In No Way Related
While using your personal credit for business use is a bad idea, we can’t exactly separate business credit and personal credit completely. In many cases, especially when starting out with business credit, an owner of the company will be required to provide a “personal guarantee” for the business credit loan or line of credit. When providing a personal guarantee, the company extending credit will not only check your business credit, but will check your personal credit history. While the business account won’t show up on your personal credit report, the personal guarantee could eventually affect your personal credit in the event that the business fails to meet its obligations. Obviously, you should aim to avoid that scenario (and certainly can) by careful planning and smart use of business credit.

As a Certified Life Coach and Therapist, Ramona Christine offers professional services to help you build the required points of credibility for small business financing and credit.  There is no need to keep your business ideas on hold because of concerns around financing.  Financing is accessible and within just a short period of time.

After taking advantage of the knowledge shared in this article series, Ramona Christine, was able to secure funding for her business within 45 days; literally, a $20,000 revolving line of credit.  That sure did supersede the $3,000.00 personal credit card limits that she had been working with on the consumer side of things.  The relief was tremendous after doing it the hard way (the wrong way) for so many years.  Funding her own business ventures with personal credit and income made it that much more difficult to break free from the vicious cycle of personal credit deficiency, not to mention the risk of “piercing the corporate veil”.

Personal credit cards were maxed out, consumer credit utilization was high, her personal credit score was low, and the amount needed to fund business expenses just wasn’t there.  It was a vicious cycle of chasing balances and cash before finally liberating herself through some research and implementing the vital information shared in this series of articles.  Gaining access to business credit and financing was exactly the remedy needed to obtain a second wave of financial power referred to as Business Credit.

By taking advantage of Ramona Christine as your Business Credit Coach, she will give you, yes, give you immediate access to 2/10 of the bank required points at no additional cost, a valued savings of $750.00.  A professional internet presence is a vital credibility point that gets you that much closer to small business funding.

1.    First, you will be set up with a professional website domain and professional email account (i.e. and
2.    Second, you will receive website hosting for your professional website for the duration of your Business Coaching relationship.  This means that while important work is being done to meet the other 8 credibility points, your professional reputation is already spanning across the world wide web like wildfire.

If you are anxious to get started and learn more about business credit and financing, you are invited to visit: Embrace(D) for Success to discover more.  You may also learn more about the professional services provided by Ramona Christine.  As always, Ramona Christine, is also quick to respond to e-mail inquiries received at

Building business credit streamlines you into opportunities unimagined.  Imagine the growth that is possible with business funding at your disposal!

If you feel that you may already be in a position to access small business financing, apply with Kabbage today to receive an immediate response to your application.  Invest in yourself!  May you continue to grow in prosperity and success!

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